Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dance Is It!

I've been working out for the past week dancing. Yes! I'm preparing for a dance on Sunday, so instead of my regular workout, dance is it for me. I sweat more dancing, I've noticed than when I do my workout. Maybe it's because when I dance, I put my whole being into it. Why? I LOVE it! When I work out, I can't wait to be done with it, so I don't make it as intense as I should. Well either way, I make sure I'm exercising every part of my body-that's what dance does for me. So go ahead Dance2getfit.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Now that I'm beginning to incorporate resistance training to my workout, my time is being stretched. Because I love to dance, I'm feeling a burst of energy after working out and adding dance session. I think I've worked out for almost two hours the other day and only stopped because I had a schedule to keep. What I like to do is watch music videos and master the dance routines. The more you do it, the more you will enjoy. Add a little dance to your work-out. Work it! You're worth it!....and you will drop the pounds you desire, inch by inch.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Belly Dance

If you are having a challenge losing belly fat, start a belly dancing work-out. The graceful hip drops, rolls, and pivots of this dance form using certain muscle groups in the abdomen, pelvis, trunk, spine, and neck all works with the body instead of against it. Below are some benefits:

1. Tones muscles & can help with weight loss is a healthy eating regimen is included.
2. Improves posture
3. Increases the flow of natural lubricants in the joints of the lower back
4. It is considered a weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise can prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones.
5. Helps with proper digestion
6. Helps prevent any challenges with woman's reproductive area.
7. The overall toning can lead to an improved self-image.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dancing Helps Maintain Healthy Weight!

Working out produces wonderful results. You must be very disciplined in order to get where you desire to be and most people need a trainer. What I love about dancing is not only is it fun, but you can use it as a cardio workout to build up the heart rate. Don't get me wrong, you also need the balance of resistance training as well. If you love music and dancing, unless you do it professionally, set a consistent schedule at least 4 days out of each week and make it happen. I know many people who lost weight by dancing. For me I've always been thin, dancing has help me maintain an average weight I'm happy with.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dance Is A Part of My Work-out!

Working out is vital to keep yourself healthy and fit. I began to increase in my dance rehearsals as a work-out. Recently I had two performances coming up back to back, my opportunity to really go for it and create the body I really desire. I'm not one to go to the gym, so dance is perfect. I do implement resistance training to bring balance and strengthen my bones. Resistance training helps keep me light on my feet. As a result, I feel the benefits because my movements come with much ease. My performances are always much more intense than rehearsals, so lifting weights help prepare my body for the high intensity of each performance. I'll tell you, 5 minutes of performing is equivalent to a 30 minute cardio work-out. This is why I dance.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Thought I was Dancing Just for Me!

I was just asked to dance at a community production, "MY Name Is Victory", in my hometown where I grew up, Paterson. It's going to be held at Eastside High School...I don't know if you saw the movie, "Lean On Me", (Joe Clark). Well anyway, I said yes although it's at the last minute. The production is Saturday, June 11th at 7PM. It's funny the way it happened. I just reached out to an old friend on Facebook regarding the show and he mentioned that he needed my help. So, I gave him my number and he called within the next minute.

He asked me to end the show with a dance, gave me the name of the song. Thank God for Youtube, I was able to play it as we were conversing. So now I'm going to really push myself to the limit with my workout because this dance has to be AWESOME! It's not just for my health benefit, but to display my gift to others. God has a sense of humor.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dance and Get Fit!

I've never been to the gym. Never signed up for a membership because I wasn't disciplined enough. But I didn't realize that my body stayed in shape because I dance. I would go out to music clubs, not to drink or even meet people, but just to dance. I love music, especially dance music. I play music at home, stop whatever I'm doing and just dance for about 20 to 30 minutes. It makes me feel wonderful and takes me to a place of peace and serenity. If you don't like the gym, but love music, just dance for 20 to 30 minutes 4 day a week----that's your cardio workout in a fun way.